Working Breakfasts
Diplomacia preventiva en África Subsahariana |
28 February 2017 |
Perú y la Alianza del Pacífico. Perspectivas actuales |
14 February 2017 |
The U.S., the EU, and the Western Balkans |
8 February 2017 |
Relaciones España Argelia |
3 February 2017 |
Bringing the EU closer to the EU citizens |
30 January 2017 |
Regional Security Network in the Asia-Pacific and Japan |
20 January 2017 |
United States Presidential Elections |
24 October 2016 |
España y el Magreb |
11 October 2016 |
Afganistán, en el abismo |
4 October 2016 |
Peace and Stability in Western Africa |
15 September 2016 |
Resultados de la Cumbre de la OTAN en Varsovia |
19 July 2016 |
Alemania, Europa y el Desafío de los Refugiados |
16 June 2016 |