Objectives and Priorities of the Greek President Per Council of the European Union

On January 22, 2014, INCIPE organized a Work Breakfast under the heading, Objectives and Priorities of the Greek President Per Council of the European Union, which focused on the perspectives of the President of the EU throughout the first half of 2014.
The Honourable Franciscos Verros, the Ambassador to Greece in Spain, was responsible for discussing the various challenges that Greece will face regarding economic recovery and the creation of jobs. During his presentation, the Ambassador highlighted the necessity of creating a common immigration policy and the importance of protecting the borders. Mediterranean countries like Spain, Italy, Greece, and Malta represent open entrances for further illegal immigration into the European Union. Because of this, it is necessary to define a common maritime policy. Forces should also be directed by the cooperation and the dialogue between countries of origin and transit.
The Centre of European Documentation of Francisco de Vitoria University published a summary of the Work Breakfast on their blog. For more information, you can consult the blog there.
Aranzazu Álvarez
Institutional Relationship Manager