International Seminar: Smart Defence

Madrid, April 26, 2012


9:00 – 9:45 Accreditation and registration

9:45 – 10:00 Conference inauguration
José Lladó, President of INCIPE
José María López-Navarro, Information Officer, NC Engagement Directorate, Public Diplomacy Division, NATO HQ, Brussels

10:00 – 10-30 Key remarks on “NATO’s Defence Package for Chicago: setting the course for 2020 and beyond”
Ernest J. Herold, Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Defense Investment, NATO HQ, Brussels

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee-Break

11:00 – 12:30 First Panel: “Smart Defence: political and strategic implications”
Chairman: Darío Valcárcel, Vicepresident of INCIPE. CEO, Estudios de Política Exterior S.A., Madrid
Admiral José María Treviño, Defence Adviser, Técnicas Reunidas, Madrid
Kelly Degnan, Political Adviser to the US Mission to NATO, NATO HQ, Brussels
Félix Arteaga, Senior Analyst, Security and Defence, Real Instituto Elcano, Madrid

12:30 – 12:45 Break

12:45 – 14:15 Second Panel: “How to take it forward? Three main areas: Joint–Intelligence and Reconnaissance, Missile Defence and Air Policing”
Col. Arturo Alfonso Meriño, Deputy General Director for Armament and Material, Spanish MoD
Chairman: Francisco González Mené, Spanish Association for Defence, Aeronautics and Space Technologies, TEDAE
General José Pinto Ramalho, Former Chief of Army Staff, Portugal
Pablo Quesada Ramos, Head of Market Development MRTT & Airbus Derivatives, Airbus Spain
Julian Lindley-French, Eisenhower Professor of Defence Strategy, Netherlands Defence Academy. Strategic Advisory Panel, UK Chief OF Defence Staff, London

14:15 – 14:30 Closing remarks by Vicente Garrido, Director of INCIPE

Photo Gallery
Presentation Ernest J. Herold
Presentation Kelly Degnan
Presentation Fernando García Martínez-Peñalver
Presentation Félix Arteaga
Presentation Arturo Alfonso Meriño
Presentation General José Pinto Ramalho
Presentation Pablo Quesada Ramos
Presentation Julian Lindley-French

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