International Conference INCIPE-RIE: The future of EU-NATO cooperation

November 22, 2007


9:30 – 10:00 Conference inauguration and key remarks
José Lladó, President of INCIPE
Gustavo Suárez Pertierra, President of the Real Instituto Elcano
Luis Cuesta, Secretary General of Defence Policy, Spanish Ministry of Defence

10:00 – 10:15 Coffee-Break

10:15 – 12:00 Panel I: “EU-NATO Relations: Competition, Complementarity and Synergies”
Chairman: Luis Solana, President of the European Observatory of Security and Defence (OESD).
Member of the INCIPE Board
Aurelia Bouchez, Deputy Assitant Secretary General for Regional Affairs and Mediterranean Dialogue, NATO HQ
Elena Gómez Castro,Administrator–Seconded National Expert, EU-NATO Relations, DGE VIII, Defence Issues,
General Secretariat, Council of the EU
MGen Benito Raggio, General Director for Defence Policy, Spanish Ministry of Defence

12:00 – 12:15 Coffee-Break

12:15 – 14:00 Panel II: “Lessons Learned from the Cooperation and the Way Ahead”
Chairman: ViceAdm Fernando del Pozo, Real Instituto Elcano
– GD Jürgen Bornemann, Assistant Director for Plans and Policy, International Military Staff (IMS), NATO HQ
BG Reinhard Trischak, Chief of Policy and Plans, EU Military Staff, General Secretariat, Council of the EU
MGen José Manuel García Sieiro, Assistant Chief of Staff, Plans and Policy Division, Defence Staff,
Spanish Ministry of Defence

16:30 – 18:15 Panel III: “Issues of Common Interest”

Chairman: Lt. Gen (ret.) Luis Feliú, Former Spanish Military Representative (MILREP) to NATO
William H. Duncan, Political Counselor, Embassy of the United States of America in Spain
Colonel Torsten Squarr, Branch Chief, European Union Branch at the German Military Representation
to NATO and the EU, Brussels
Necdet Pamir, Professor, Bilkent University,Ankara. Former General Coordinator at the Eurasia
Strategic Studies Center (ASAM),Ankara

18:15 – 18:30 Coffee-Break

18:30 – 19:30 Closing session and final remarks
Chairman: Vicente Garrido, Director of INCIPE and Félix Arteaga, Senior Analyst,
Security and Defence Area, Real Instituto Elcano
General Félix Sanz Roldán, Chief of Defence, Spanish Ministry of Defence


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